Saturday, April 18, 2020

Spring Fever

Spring Fever at Yellow Bird

With new wwoofers, Marie from Switzerland, and Wonder,
ancient sites of chaos and neglect are being swept away. A new broom.

1. Marie and I fixed up the Airstream to make it habitable for Wonder, and brought this splendid space back online.

2. Marie and I dredged feet of silt out the spring cistern - the best water I have ever tasted - and reconnected the water supply (5 gals a minute) to the garden.

3. We reopened overgrown trails, and are preparing marker posts.
4. Daz'l made the staircase in the Rainbow Cafe, and is finishing the ground floor of SkyScape: Meeting the Birds Halfway (the Tower), which is turning out to be everything I had hoped, with a secret room, a reading space devoted to bird books, and the top look-out level, with 360 deg views.

5. Leopard and I spent a long time working on the Rainbow Cafe's window wall.

6. We have all been working on the garden, weeding dreadfully overgrown beds, sowing seeds, repairing the raised beds, and covering the greenhouse with a monster plastic sheet. (Thanks Maxzine.)

Wednesday Magic a constant companion, digging up seeds, protecting the strawberries.